Symbian and competitors
Symbian OS and Windows Mobile , Palm OS, Linux competition, the current Palm OS has been gradually losing market share, while Windows Mobile and Linux are menacing, experts believe that the general layout of Windows Mobile for Symbian encroachment is inevitable. Symbian is also used in low-end mobile phones with embedded operating systems compete with each other, which tend to self-developed by the various manufacturers. Symbian operating system with built-in comparison, the former has the advantage of standardization - the implementation of each program the device to another call on the shared dynamic link library (DLL), as well as adding-type structure (that is, you can install the software.) These features allow mobile phones to more complex development of a faster speed, sometimes it will absorb some of the Symbian C + + difficult. Two years ago, Google released Android mobile phone platform after the advance mobile phone market. Symbian Association is also the different phone systems into a unified Symbian platform and will be released later this year, a unified Symbian platform. While Google announced Android last year, the source code, but Symbian Association director Lee Williams said that based on Linux, Google Android platform, wearing only "open" the coat, but essentially does not open, "this is just marketing way, Android is still under the control of Google. " Symbian and Open OS Linux, and Windows Mobile and other non-open compared to its advantage is more controversial. Handset manufacturers and network operators prefer the flexibility of customized Symbian (customisability) while the more negative Windows CE . Although these custom flexibility (customisability) makes integration more difficult for Symbian phones. Symbian is designed for small devices, so it has more powerful capabilities, more efficient memory management and more flexible posture.Symbian Over the years the system has been dominated by Symbian intelligent system of market dominance, system capabilities and ease of use in areas such as market and has been widely recognized by mobile phone users.
Google Android The emergence of Android and the strong development of the mobile phone industry is among the notable recent event, Google involved in the way mobile phones beyond everyone's expectations, is not that people guess before the smart phone, but the joint more than 30 technology and wireless applications Among the field of companies consisting of leading open platform for mobile devices.
Windows Mobile Windows Mobile (WM) system from the Windows desktop, system, desktop applications with the blood, so whether it is still functional application interface design and the PC, almost exactly the same time in the early promotion, which is the large number of users into WM's reasons.
Linux Although in theory the most open-source Linux system has the characteristics of the space to developers to play the most, but in recent years, the development of point of view, Linux system still seems far away from the majority of ordinary consumers.
Palm OS Palm OS as an embedded operating system for PDA and other specialized equipment is its strong point indeed. However, after 11 years in the Palm development, has become increasingly into the winter period, perhaps to defend it in the high-end professional field is the right way.
iPhone OS or OS XiPhone Was developed by Apple for the iPhone operating system. It is mainly used to the iPhone and iPodtouch. Like its Mac OSX operating system based, as it is based in Darwin. Now a lot of friends to support, market share soaring. Through recent market development can be seen that virtually no other than Nokia's other mobile phone manufacturers in the development of Symbian system, and Sony Ericsson , Motorola, Samsung, htc mobile phones and other world-class manufacturing systems are in the active development android mobile android phone system and to the king of spate, while the updated iPhone, iPhone OS systems, has attracted the majority of mobile gamers and mobile phone enthusiasts . Although Nokia has developed a new multi-touch Symbian ^ 3, but its face from the impact of iPhone and android system is still very big! Symbian software solution to the problem
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