Features an application is really very much, so I will describe them only briefly. File Manager gives us a fairly easy to navigate directories on your phone and SD-card. Folders are familiar icons, the files are displayed as usual again, the pages or the application icons, images - as a small preview (for speed, you can disable this option in the settings).
Displays the folders and files can be customized. If you prefer, you can display the files in a list, or as tiles. To do this, select menu-View, or press a suitable button on the toolbar.
You can also choose to sort and customize the information displayed for files and folders:
- show THUMBNAILS (prevyuh) for images
- display information about files (size, date, etc.)
- map file extensions - to display a list
- show hidden files
- display folders in the list.
Type configured for each folder separately. For example a folder with images, you can configure display tiles, and a folder with music in a list.
ASTRO top of the screen has a scrolling toolbar with buttons available options. Location toolbar, as well as its buttons can be configured to add at will in the preferences -> Toolbar preferences.
Also in the settings you can also specify the default folder: your home directory and the directory for backup.
ASTRO can perform all necessary actions with the files:
and create folders and zip-files, search by name, to carry out multiple selection of files to install applications from apk-file, as well as work with the network (this requires an additional set ASTRO SMB Module, but it is still damp). In general, it has everything you only need to file manager.
In addition to its file functions, ASTRO has many useful tools in the work caused by the menu - click Tools:
ASTRO Application manager / Backup. This application allows you to view a list of installed applications, remove them, creating backups as apk-file and restore the application from the generated backups. By the way, it can be used to n dressed application to another).
SD Usage. This tool is a visual form shows statistics of the place. Very handy and useful sometimes.
Process Manager - Process Manager and running applications. Very fancy stuff. Displays in different windows of running applications, services and processes, as detailed information about them:
Making a long tap on the application from the list of Apps, and get the opportunity to view more details infromatsiyu about him, "Kill", open it, or add to the ignore list. This list is needed to ensure that when you Kill All from the menu, ignored the application is not closed. You can edit it in the settings. There definitely should be added to applications such as HTC Sens, system Android. It is a pity that this is not done by default.
Just a pity that there is no single label or widget manager processes. Get to it for very long. So I still use Advanced Task Killer.
At the end of the review to say that ASTRO - a great app, thanks to the developers for this product. Can not but rejoice free application and at the same time, the lack of advertising. Application is constantly being updated and it is possible that some time will have new features not described by me in this review.
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